Saturday, October 11, 2008

Sara and Weston's Wedding

I had a flying trip to Utah to Sara and Weston's wedding. Everything went very well from parking car at airport to rental in Utah, etc. I stayed at my friend Afton and Reed's house near Leslie's house so we went to the wedding in Pleasant Grove together. It was an all day wedding with the reception ending about 8:00 p.m. The exciting part was when the snake snatched the goldfish from the pond! It was wonderful to see nine grandchildren and 14 greats. All of them are great.


Nettie said...

Thank you for putting the pictures on your blog since we were not able to make it. Sounds like you had a good time. I'm glad. Take care.

McPherson family said...

well I see Lynette posted what I was gonna post. Thanks for posting the pictures since we could not be there.
Love you