Sunday, December 6, 2009

Long Time No Post

Wow, this is already December. I've been a busy woman. Some of the highlights of the last few months have been:A month as a caregiver for a friend during June and part of July. We went to Vail, Colorado so she could have an intricate hip operation and the therapy required. A lot of work, but a good cause. The mountains were gorgeous, but the altitude was a bit much.
Lots of exercise during the summer. I still love walking around the Chambers Bay Golf Course. Check out the website, so you can see what I mean. If I keep on exercising my back pain stays under control, so guess what! I exercise. In the Washington weather I go to LAFitness. Do aqua aerobics, etc.
A fun new church calling is teaching English as Second Language to the Buena Vista Ward. It was supposed to be for the Relief Society Women, but several men have joined the class too. Seven countries represented.
I've been getting in more music too. I have a lovely piano teacher. I'm the ward choir director in my new ward. They realigned the boundaries. I believe in Sunday morning miracles! I think some people got up to sing that I had never even seen before, but they all sounded good. Now, let's just hope our numbers for Christmas work out as well. As a brush up I took a choir directing class on four Saturday mornings.
Two other classes I have just finished are a drawing class on faces and features and the first time for me: a birding class. That was fun, but the field trip was in a bad storm and we almost froze, but the ducks were really cute and I saw my first kingfisher. Floyd used Kingfisher as his CB handle. Now I can recognize three different kinds of cormorants. When I was in China, I watched some fishing and gagging up the fish. Then they let me hold one on my arm. It was very light, but the claws scratched me.
I've had fun going to concerts and plays with friends: Showboat in Everett. The Stradiverius Quartet. The Wizard of Oz , and yesterday to The Nutcracker to see my young friend Amy dance. She had to stay in a split position for so long I could hardly stand to watch it. This week I'm taking three of my friends to Kent to see a musical based on the orphanage that my great grandmother lived in when she was young. It's called"Joy to the Children." It's an amazing story about George Mueller and his orphanages in England. You can look it up on the Internet if you're interested.
I'm writing this without eyeglasses. I have two new eyes. I got the first one two weeks ago and the second one four days ago. I had cataract surgeries and my replacement lenses are miracles. I can see everything. After wearing glasses for 60 years!
Two of my friends and I have decided to go to Egypt and Israel this spring for a two week tour.


Anonymous said...

you have a interesting blog
great photos

Zach said...

It's great to hear from you again after so long! We're glad to know that you are doing so well!

mamaseversike said...

There is no moss growing on the north side of YOU! :) Way to grow. Love, Vicki

Melissa Calder said...

It is good to see you are doing well. Always a lady up for an adventure!