Thursday, January 7, 2010

Great Holiday Season

The Washington weather cooperated this winter, so nothing was cancelled. I had a very enjoyable December attending some wonderful choral concerts from the very modern, innovative type to tradtional.
I spent Christmas Eve at my nephew's cousins. We always have a good time there. Christmas Day with my piano teacher and her family and New Year's Eve with the family of the Bishop of the Spanish Ward.They are from Pamplona, Spain. They are very good cooks, one is a chef. Great food. Hilarious end of the year comedy from Madrid on their large screen TV. Then an early countdown with the TV from Madrid and the traditional eating of 12 grapes for each stroke of midnight. As fast as I could, I still had three left. Lots of toasting, and hugging and Feliz Ano Nuevo.

1 comment:

mamaseversike said...

I've never heard of the grape tradition, but then, I don't know more than I DO know to at least the millionth power.